Tuesday, 21 September 2010


Right, so, if you're on this page I presume you know who I am and what I'm doing, but if not, here's a quick recap.
I'm Andrew Maloney, from London, a gap year student teaching English in Japan. I'm supposed to be here for a year, but basically I'll be here as long as I can last... it's far harder being so far from home than I thought it would be.

Anyway, I've been here two weeks so i figured it was about time to get this thing up and kicking.

So, first things first, where am I?

Well, somewhere just off the left side of this map apparently. Welcome to the most complex transport network ever devised. Not only because of the sprawling lines themselves, but the Japanese tendancy to spread their interchange stations over wide areas with massive shopping centers in between line entrances.
I'm living and working in a suburb called Hibarigaoka in the west, at a quaint and... unique school called Jiyu Gakuen. Famous for its unique christian ethos and attitude to teaching, but more on that next post.

This is the school, which is about 3 minutes bike ride from the house in which I'm living, with both the owner - a woman named Kyoko Muramatsu - and a Danish 21 year old gap year student who teaches Gymnastics at the school. Apparently the danes are famous for it... who knew?

The Boys' Department

I'll finish with some pictures of the school. It is quite picturesque.

The path to the Assembly Hall

The Girls' department

By the way, clicking on the photos *should* expand them to much bigger and better sizes.

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